Last week, we spoke with surveyor Kevin Keane (#SurveyorKev) as he prepared to take to the winding roads of Stirlingshire once again and resume physical property inspections. How was his first day back ‘on the ladders’ in this strange new reality?
“Well, my first day back on physical inspections was a success, albeit a wet and wild one! In true Scottish style, it rained the whole day. Dreich!
“I visited a good mix of properties today – a converted flat within a former hotel built in 1875, a new build, an ex-local authority terrace, and a stunningly extended 1940s bungalow. It was a great reminder of why I enjoy working in my local area and indeed, why I love my job.
“Driving between my jobs brought a gentle reminder that the world is still spinning, and I definitely felt the most ‘normal’ I have in a long while. We surveyors do like a good routine.
“As for PPE, well after breaking my first two facemasks (I must have a larger than average head!) I was good to go. All the householders I visited had clearly watched our video and were well-prepared for my arrival. They seemed very comfortable with the inspections being carried out in accordance with our new physical inspection policy and Safety and Wellbeing Charter.
“I also had similar conversations everywhere I went. “How are you?”, “Is this your first day back at work after lockdown?”, “How is the local property market looking?”. But one customer did say to me, “Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.” If you don’t know, it’s a Scottish proverb, encouraging us to make every second count. It made for a thought-provoking drive home and, as I did so, I agreed with him. As we also say in Scotland, today’s rain is tomorrow’s whisky”.
Kevin Keane MRICS is a Walker Fraser Steele surveyor in Scotland
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